
Changes To 2015-2016 SPP And SCTP Handbooks

As well all well know, with growth and development often comes change…and the SSSF is not exempt from that process. So along with the new year of competition, there are several new items to review in both the official SPP and the SCTP handbooks.

changes-ahead-exit-signTammy Mowry, program director of the SPP, mentions that there are some “big” changes to make note of in the updated 2015-2016 SPP document.  Some of the highlights include updates in the section on “Grouping Athletes -Divisions” (look for the details about categories) as well as in “Team Definitions” (don’t miss the updated range commands). To read more and get caught up on all the new items, be sure to check out the update SPP handbook, here.

Tom Wondrash, national director of the SCTP, shares that there are too many changes to post each and every one. And he encourages everyone to dig in and and read the updated 2015-2016 handbook, paying special attention to the red text, which shows where recent changes have been made. To read more and get caught up on all the new SCTP items, be sure to check out the updated SCTP Handbook here.

Highlights of 2016 Program Changes for SPP

The Scholastic Pistol Program will have several updates to its handbook for 2016, with changes in athlete divisions, several procedures, range commands, and other areas. Here is a preview of the highlights:


To level the playing field even more, novice athletes compete in a separate competitive grouping or category from the more experienced athletes. COACHES, please remember that it is your responsibility to ensure that your athletes are classified correctly. Please verify all squadding rosters at each event you attend. Incorrectly classified athletes will result in re-classification of that squad to the Open Division, if applicable, or if there is no Open Division, the disqualification of that squad.

Category Classification Rules
First-year athletes in the Intermediate Division will have one year to be classified in the Entry Level category. After one year in the Entry Level category, Intermediate Division athletes will be classified in the Advanced Category.

First-year athletes in the Senior Division will have one year to be classified in the Junior Varsity category. After one year in the Junior Varsity category, Senior Division athletes will be classified in the Varsity category.

We have adjusted our age divisions so they fall in line with the divisions that SCTP uses. All athletes will fall into the following divisions and categories. We have added some categories within the divisions as well that will give more opportunities for the athletes.

    Intermediate Division (Grades 6-8) – previously Junior Division – ages 12-16

      Entry Level – 1st year of participation in the intermediate division
      Advanced Level – After 1 year of participation in the intermediate division

    Senior Division (Grades 9-12) – previously ages 17-20

      Junior Varsity – 1st year of participation in the senior division
      Varsity – After 1 year of participation in the senior division

    College – There are no separate categories for the Collegiate division

    Open – Competitive squad of athletes from a single team with multiple classifications

As of January 1, 2015, once an athlete competes in the Centerfire Division at a State, Regional, National, or Virtual match, he or she cannot compete in the Rimfire Division.

There is now no maximum limit on the number of years an athlete can compete in Rimfire. However, once an athlete has competed in Centerfire, they cannot go back to Rimfire.

The purpose of the Open class is to allow coaches to bring athletes to a match and compete as a group of athletes that normally would not be allowed to.


Ghost Competitors
Teams may now include 2 Ghost shooters to a squad if they have the need to fill a squad. Each Ghost shooter would have match score of 120 seconds.


Pistol Caliber and Action Type, Allowable Condition
At regional or national SPP matches, equipment checks will be done to ensure all athletes are following the IDPA Stock Service Pistol (SSP) Division requirements for handguns that are permitted. This is also recommended for state matches as well.

Range Commands have been updated to include:

“Range is hot, eyes and ears”
This is the first command given to the shooter starting the action of shooting a stage. This command signifies the start of the course of fire. The shooter will make sure that his or her eye and hearing protection is in place. It is also notification to others in the shooting bay to check their own eye and hearing protection.

“Load and make ready”
Before issuing this command, the Safety Officer should visually confirm that the competitor and all others on the range have eye and ear protection in place, that he/she is facing downrange, and that he/she is in all other respects prepared to handle the firearm.

The competitor may then pick up the firearm and magazine from the table, load the firearm, and point at the low-ready flag down range. Once the “Load and make ready” command has been given, the competitor must not move away from the start location prior to issuance of the “Start” signal without the prior approval, and under the direct supervision, of the Safety Officer.

“Are you ready?”
The lack of any response from the competitor indicates that he fully understands the requirements of the course of fire and is ready to proceed. If the competitor is not ready at the “Are you ready?” command, he must state “Not ready.”

This command should be followed by the audible start signal within 1 to 2 seconds.

“Start signal”
The signal for the competitor to begin the attempt at the course of fire. If a competitor fails to react to a start signal, for any reason, the Safety Officer will confirm that the competitor is ready to attempt the course of fire, and will resume the range commands from “Are you ready?”

“Reload if required and …
This command may be used following the 1st through 4th strings.

… Make ready for your next string”
(Experienced shooters may not need this command).

Any Safety Officer assigned to a stage may issue this command at any time during the course of fire. The competitor must immediately cease firing and wait for further instructions from the Safety Officer.

“Unload and show clear”
This command is used following the final string. If the competitor has finished shooting, he must lower his firearm, remove the magazine, then clear the chamber and lock the slide to the rear for inspection by both himself and the Safety Officer.

“Case or bench”
The competitor then must place the firearm on the table (or gun bag/case) before the Safety Officer can call the range safe and clear to go down range to score/paint targets.

“Range is clear”
This command indicates to the shooter and anyone within the stage boundaries that the range is clear. This command begins the scoring and resetting of the stage.

Eye and ear protection for all shooters AND ALL SPECTATORS are required. Individuals observed without eye or ear wear will be required to leave the shooting area.


Shorts must be no higher than halfway between the knee and hip.


Special Circumstances Rule: “Bump up”

In exceptional circumstances where a valid competitive squad cannot be constituted, athletes may be elevated or “bumped up” to a higher category within a division or to a higher division to fill a short squad. All bump-up requests must first be submitted to the State Advisor for a recommendation. State Advisors will communicate their recommendation to the SPP national staff for a final decision. If there is no State Advisor in the state, the request must be submitted directly to the SPP National Staff.

Once a lower category or division athlete has been bumped up in a discipline, he or she must compete at the higher level in that discipline for the remainder of the SPP Season. In no case will a bumped-up athlete be allowed to return to a lower category or division in the discipline during that SPP season.

An Open class division has been created so that coaches do not have to bump up athletes if they do not wish to.

Join SPP or Start a Team — Here’s Why

As the 2016 shooting year gets underway, the Scholastic Pistol Program invites shooters and coaches to join the program. Whether you’re already involved in SCTP and want to add another discipline, an existing pistol team that doesn’t participate in SPP, or a coach or shooter interesting in starting a new team, SPP offers many benefits:

  • Insurance – You’ll be covered by SSSF’s insurance plan during practice sessions and at matches.
  • Matches – You’ll be eligible to compete in state, regional, national, and virtual matches against teams all over the country.
  • Endowment Funds – Endowment money that is won at SPP matches will be deposited into the team’s MidwayUSA Endowment account.
  • Camaraderie – Competing against other SPP teams provides camaraderie and allows team members to make friends throughout the program. Where else can scholastic teams shoot with student athletes from all over the country?

Register your team today, find a team to join, or contact Tammy Mowry, tmowry@sssfonline.com, 724-822-7390, for more information.

Raise Team Funds with SKB Model 200HR Shotgun Promotion

SKB Shotgun Promotion

Your SCTP or SPP team can raise operating money and endowment funds with the SKB shotgun promotion being offered by MidwayUSA Foundation. An SKB Model 200HR 28 gauge shotgun is offered to all youth shooting teams with a team endowment account.

MidwayUSA Foundation will provide a registration packet with additional details about the promotion and the information you need to sign up. Funds returned to your endowment account from this promotion will be matched.

This beautiful shotgun has a scalloped receiver with a rounded and sleek profile. The receiver, forend iron, and trigger guard are enhanced with hand-engraved scroll accents and finished with genuine bone charcoal color case-hardening. It also has a gold accented trigger. Accessories include a fitted luggage case, five thin-walled choke tubes, a choke wrench, and a trigger lock.

Your team can design its own promotion, such as a raffle, to raise funds with the shotgun.

See the promotional flyer for more information.

Potterfields Donate Over $200,000 to MidwayUSA Foundation Team Endowment Program

Larry and Brenda Potterfield
Larry and Brenda Potterfield at the 2014 SCTP-SPP National Team Championships
Larry and Brenda Potterfield, owners of MidwayUSA, recently donated $205,342 to the MidwayUSA Foundation to benefit youth shooting sports, including SCTP and SPP teams. This donation stems from the matching program offered by the MidwayUSA Foundation. Donors have the ability to choose the shooting team that will benefit from their donation, and Larry and Brenda Potterfield match that donation.

Along with the matching program, the MidwayUSA Foundation offers its active teams promotional items to use as fundraisers. Larry and Brenda Potterfield also match proceeds generated from these promotions and returned to a team’s respective endowment account.

The MidwayUSA Foundation is a public charity working to sustain the shooting sports industry by providing long-term funding to youth shooting teams. Shooting teams with a Team Endowment Account can draw 5% of their account balance each year to use for team expenses. The funds are used for ammunition, uniforms, entry fees, travel costs and more.

For more information about the MidwayUSA Foundation, Inc., visit www.midwayusafoundation.org or call 1-877-375-4570.

See, Download & Share Photos from 2015 Nationals


Our collection of photos from the SCTP-SPP National Team Championships in Sparta and SCTP National Championships for International Disciplines in Colorado Springs have now been assembled on our Flickr page and are available for you to view, download, print, and share.

Click here to see our 2015 Nationals photos on Flickr

Even if you haven’t used Flickr before, you’ll probably find it pretty intuitive once you poke around a bit. However, here are a few notes to speed up the learning curve:

    The album will open to a collection of images on one page. If you want to look at an image in full-frame or to share or download it, just click on the image to open it.

    With any image opened, look for these icons in the lower right corner:

    Flickr icons

    If you wish to download the image, click on the icon on the right, the “down” arrow. What you’re seeing on the page will usually be a much smaller version of the image, with several larger sizes available to be downloaded. You’ll see some options:

    Flickr image sizes

    Just choose what you want. For a social media icon – or postage stamp – you might choose the 150×150 option. For a large print, go with the largest available size. To submit to your newspaper, download the largest available size to allow them to re-size it as needed.

    If you want to share the image in social media, click on the center icon, the “right” arrow, and again you’ll have options and some choices to make:

    Flickr share

    For most purposes, such as sharing on Facebook or Twitter, you’ll need to select “Link” as the Code option. If you want to embed the photo into your blog or website, you can choose “HTML.” When that is the case, you will also have a choice of sizes.

If you choose to share images on social media (yes, do!), please continue to use the event hashtag, #SSSF2015.

Go to our Flickr page.

SHOT System Reset for 2016 Registration

The 2016 shooting season begins on September 1, so it is time for all coaches, volunteers, and athletes to register for the upcoming year.

The SHOT registration system has been reset for the 2016 registration season as of Friday, August 28 at 9:00 a.m. CST. This reset has nulled the annual fields for payment, receipt of consent waiver, and other items for volunteers and athletes.

Volunteer background checks submitted on or after November 12, 2014, will be good for two years. Those who had checks conducted prior to that date must resubmit to a new check.

The shooting year statistics pages has also been reset. Information from the 2015 season has been archived for future reference.

Larry and Brenda Potterfield Donate Nearly $100,000 to Youth Shooting Sports

Larry and Brenda Potterfield, owners of MidwayUSA, recently donated $99,077 to the MidwayUSA Foundation to benefit youth shooting sports. This donation stems from the matching program offered by the MidwayUSA Foundation. Donors have the ability to choose the shooting team that will benefit from their donation, and Larry and Brenda Potterfield match that donation.

Larry and Brenda Potterfield
Larry and Brenda Potterfield at the 2014 SCTP-SPP National Team Championships
Along with the matching program, the MidwayUSA Foundation offers its active teams promotional items to use as fundraisers. At this time, teams can register to receive a Winchester Model 70 Super Grade rifle, as well as Browning Butcher Kits to raise funds for their shooting team. Larry and Brenda Potterfield also match proceeds generated from these promotions and returned to a team’s respective endowment account.

The MidwayUSA Foundation is a public charity working to sustain the shooting sports industry by providing long-term funding to youth shooting teams. Shooting teams with a Team Endowment Account can draw 5% of their account balance each year to use for team expenses. The funds are used for ammunition, uniforms, entry fees, travel costs and more.

For more information about the MidwayUSA Foundation, Inc., please visit www.midwayusafoundation.org or call 877-375-4570.

SPP / NRA Hold First Pistol Camp and Level 1 Coaches’ Class


Illinois State Rifle Association in Bonfield, Illinois hosted the first SPP/NRA athlete pistol camp and Level 1 coaches’ certification on August 7-9. Eight athletes participated in the camp and six SPP coaches were certified as NRA Level 1 pistol coaches.

Daniel Subia, NRA National Trainer, Rifle and Pistol, and Bill Perkins, SPP Regional Field Representative from Arizona, conducted the class for the coach certification. Rick Leach, Wisconsin State Advisor and head coach for the Ozaukee Scholastic Shooting team, as well as John Leach, assistant coach for the Ozaukee Scholastic Shooting team, and Tammy Mowry, Program Manager for the Scholastic Pistol Program, conducted all of the range time instruction for the campers.

SPP extends its thanks to Richard Pearson of the Illinois State Rifle Association (ISRA) for the invitation to host this year’s camp and to all the ISRA range safety officers for their support during the weekend.

SPP and NRA are planning a second camp in Arizona in December.

The camp was a wonderful success. Not only did the campers have a great time, they made new friends from across the country. We hope the camp continues to grow both in size and locations. The camp is a great place to spend some time learning new skills and making new friends.”
–Daniel Subia, NRA National Trainer, Rifle and Pistol

The SSP/NRA Pistol Camp was one of the safest, best organized, and well-run camps I have ever been involved with. The Illinois State Rifle Association is looking forward to hosting the camp again next year.”
–Richard A. Pearson, Executive Director, Illinois State Rifle Association

SPP Teams Earn Endowment Funds in Virtual Match Series

Congratulations to Scholastic Pistol Program teams who have submitted entries into the 2015 Virtual Match Series and been drawn as winners of team endowment funds. Recent winners of $1,000 contributions to their endowment accounts are:

    Straight Shooters Tucson – April

    Michigan State Shooting Sports Club – May

    Crew 401 – June

Each month through December, SPP will hold a random drawing among teams who submit SPP Virtual Match scores that month. Winners receive a $1,000 team endowment account contribution.

Don’t forget to submit your team’s scores into the virtual match series. All you need to do is send your scoresheets and $1.25 per athlete (via USPS) to Tammy Mowry. Learn more.

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