Potterfields Visit with Shooters at Nationals

Larry and Brenda Potterfield, founders and owners of MidwayUSA and founders of the MidwayUSA Foundation, spent last Thursday at the World Shooting and Recreational Complex with SCTP and SPP shooters, touring the National Championship event and even taking time to shoot a round of trap with three lucky SCTP competitors. Anticipating the visit, many teams brought along autographed photos, cards, and other gifts — including a pair of letter sweaters — to express their appreciation for the Potterfields’ generosity to SSSF programs.

SSSF also had a presentation to Larry and Brenda, a pair of hand-engraved leather shooting bags, in recognition of their being named “Founding Life Diamond Members” of the Champion’s Roundtable, which recognizes donors who have made major contributions to our mission. They are also Charter Members of the SSSF Legacy Society, which honors our donors who have included SSSF in their estate plans through deferred gifts.
See more photos on our SCTP Facebook page and SPP page.