
Tag: coaching

Positive Coaching Alliance Offers Discounted Workshops to Parents and Athletes

Thanks to Scholastic Shooting Sports Foundation’s national partnership with Positive Coaching Alliance– a national non-profit developing Better Athletes, Better People through youth and high school sports – you as a parent or athlete are eligible for a 30% discount on an online PCA course when using the SSSF promotion codes provided below after adding the course to your cart.

Positive Coaching Alliance resources provide the information and inspiration to train and develop:

  • The Second-Goal Parent®, who concentrates on life lessons, while letting coaches and athletes focus on competing
  • The Triple-Impact Competitor®, who strives to impact sport on three levels by improving oneself, teammates and the game as a whole.

“The Scholastic Shooting Sports Foundation, Inc. has been a partner with the Positive Coaching Alliance for several years by providing the Double Goal Coaches course to all new Scholastic Clay Target Program and Scholastic Action Shooting Program coaches,” Ben Berka, SSSF president and executive director, said. “We are pleased to now be able to offer discounted Positive Coaching Alliance courses specific for parents and athletes to further instill a positive sports culture in our SCTP and SASP teams.”

To register for the Second-Goal Parent® course:

  1. Go to http://shopping.positivecoach.org/Store/Courses/Second-Goal-Parent and click “Add to Cart.”
  2. Enter your promotion code ScholasticSportsSGP28 under the zip/postal code section and click “Apply.”
  3. Once you have completed the payment, you will receive a confirmation email that will direct you to the Second –Goal Parent® course.

To register for the Triple-Impact Competitor® course:

  1. Go to http://shopping.positivecoach.org/Store/Courses/Triple-Impact-Competitor and click “Add to Cart.”
  2. Enter your promotion code ScholasticSportsTIC28 under the zip/postal code section and click “Apply.”
  3. Once you have completed the payment, you will receive a confirmation email that will direct you to the Triple-Impact Competitor® course.

The Scholastic Shooting Sports Foundation, Inc. has been a partner with the Positive Coaching Alliance for several years by providing the Double Goal Coach®: Coaching For Winning and Life Lessons on a complimentary basis to all new Scholastic Clay Target Program and Scholastic Action Shooting Program coaches. The course equips shooting coaches with the information and tools to develop young athletes in a positive, caring fashion.

State Leaders Gather for 3rd Annual SSSF Advisor Academy

The Scholastic Shooting Sports Foundation (SSSF) hosted its third annual Advisor Academy September 23-24, 2017, in Milwaukee, WI.  Fifty-one key leaders from 19 states attended the two-day meeting focused on developing state and local level leadership, sharing best practices, and providing “grass roots” input to the Scholastic Clay Target Program (SCTP) and the Scholastic Action Shooting Program (SASP).

“It was inspiring to see how dedicated SSSF is to youth shooting and I’m proud to be involved in this year’s academy, said Steve McClure, Shooting Sports Coordinator with the Arizona Game and Fish Department. “I left with some great take aways about our SCTP program and look forward to what comes next.”

“State advisors are the key leaders with our volunteer coaches all across the country,” said Ben Berka, president and executive director of the SSSF.  “Advisor Academy is a perennial opportunity for our state and national leaders to gather in order to evaluate our progress and continue setting our course to put more youth into organized and safe shooting sports programs across the country.”

In addition to SSSF, SCTP and SASP national staff and state leaders, this year’s Advisor Academy featured guest presentations from Friends of the NRA, MidwayUSA Foundation, the National Rifle Association (NRA), Positive Coaching Alliance and Sportsman’s Insurance Agency during the general session.

Interested in Coach Training?

Do you have a need for coach certification in your area? If so, please let us know! Several of our SCTP and SASP staff are members of the NRA National Coach Development Staff and can travel to your location to conduct coach certification courses. 

NRA Coach Development Schools are the heart of the NRA Coach Education Program. The instructors use up-to-date materials and multimedia presentations to present discipline-specific coach courses. The registration fee includes a copy of the discipline-specific coach school student study guide and other materials to help you with the details of coaching. Upon successful completion of the coach school you will be a Coach (Level 1) (or Youth Trainer if under 18 years old) in that discipline. Once approved, coaches may print their coach certificate and wallet card for their use.

What Is Taught In The School?

The Level 1 coach school is two days of sports-specific lessons and practical coaching exercises designed to teach the coach candidate the basics of coaching beginning and intermediate shooters. The following general subjects are taught:

  • Introduction to the Coaching Program
  • Safety and Risk Management
  • Competition Events
  • Rulebook use and shooting etiquette
  • Equipment and Facilities
  • Fundamentals of Shooting
  • Coaching Ethics
  • Coaching Methodology
  • Mental Training
  • Training Planning
  • Building Quality Programs
  • How To Conduct Tournaments

For more details or to setup a shotgun coach class in your area, please contact Chet Tuinstra (eastern US) or Carlton Nether (western US).

For more details or to setup a pistol/rifle coach class in your area, please contact Rick Leach.

For more information on the NRA Coach Education Program, please visit the NRA website.

Nominate Your Coach for PCA Double-Goal Coaching Award

PCA Double-Goal Coaching Award Volunteer coaches are the backbone of the programs of the Scholastic Shooting Sports Foundation, as we couldn’t have teams or events without them. They largely determine what kind of experience our student athletes will have in the shooting sports, and their work with teams often goes far beyond shooting instruction and conducting shoots. One way that SSSF promotes a positive coaching environment for our teams is by providing PCA Double-Goal Coach training for all our coaches.

We know there are many coaches out there who deserve to be recognized for their extraordinary work in developing better athletes and better people. We would like to share a way for athletes and parents to reward these exceptional coaches — the PCA National Double-Goal Coach Award.

Each year PCA selects and publicizes 75 finalists. The 25 winners of this prestigious national award receive $250, a trophy, recognition in PCA’s website, newsletters, and media campaigns, and the chance to accept the honor in California during PCA’s National Youth Sports Awards Dinner and Auction Presented by Deloitte. The award also recognizes the organizations and schools of the award-winning coaches.

You can show your appreciation for a coach who deserves a big “thank you!” Nominate your coach for PCA’s National Double-Goal Coach Award.
Click here to learn more and nominate a coach.

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