
Tag: Tennessee

Tennessee State SPP Match Has Record Attendance

TN State SPP MatchThe Scholastic Pistol Program (SPP) reached a new milestone recently with the Tennessee State match, setting an attendance record for state matches. The match was a combined effort of the McKenzie (TN) Shooting team and the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Foundation (TWRF), which is the SPP State Advisor.

A record-setting 119 athletes participated in the match held at the Carroll County Shooting Park (CCSP) throughout the weekend of May 2.

In Junior Rimfire, the DC Steel Shooters won the 1st place title, with William Blount Squad 7 coming in 2nd. The Plateau Pistol Shooters Squad 4 took home 3rd. In Junior Centerfire, the Arnold Junior Shooters Squad White took home the Gold medal, and the McKenzie Cobras and McKenzie Cazadores took Silver and Bronze, respectively.

The Senior Rimfire Division saw the McKenzie Crushers coming in 1st, the Plateau Pistol Shooters 2nd, and the Arlington Squad 2, 3rd. In Senior Centerfire, Arlington Squad 1 won the Gold, and the William Blount team won the Silver medal.

Among College Division teams, Bethel University won the Gold.

In addition to the SPP state match, many of the shooters also shot the Rimfire Rifle Side Match. Taking the top 3 slots in the side match were Hunter Webb, Ty Stone, and Ethan Rogan. The coaches, assistant coaches, and adult volunteers also joined in the rifle fun, with Michael Webb and Jason Pinson having the fastest times.

The Carroll County Shooting Park, which is home to the McKenzie Shooting Sports team, will also host the SPP Fall Regional Match on October 23-24. “CCSP is a great example for ranges and teams across the county,” said Scott Moore, SPP National Director. “The park was a joint effort between county and state agencies and the people of McKenzie and Huntingdon, Tennessee. It has become a showplace for SPP events. We are fortunate to have such a great venue as part of SPP.”

TWRF Is New Tennessee State Advisor for SPP

The Scholastic Pistol Program (SPP) announces that the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Foundation (TWRF) has been named State Advisor for its state, filling the role of managing the Scholastic Pistol Program there.

State advisors play a critical role in SPP shooting activities within their respective states, promoting the principles of the SPP and acting in the program’s best interests. They are also the program’s “resource central” for their states. Advisors respond to inquiries about SPP, assist in program activities, encourage participation and the formation of new teams, and provide important program information to team coaches, shooting facilities, and other organizations hosting SPP teams.

TWRF Executive Director, Julie Schuster, conveyed her excitement about the foundation managing the program. “This is a great opportunity to introduce the youth of Tennessee to another shooting sport that teaches numerous disciplines that positively affect our society. Plus, it’s really fun! We’re looking forward to growing the program in Tennessee.”

As the unique, nonprofit arm of the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency (TWRA), the foundation’s shared mission with the agency is to involve and educate the state’s youth in the outdoors and shooting sports. TWRA has expressed its support of TWRF’s role in SPP.

Lacey Lane of McKenzie will be the Tennessee SPP Director working for the TWRF. Lacey will graduate in May with a bachelor’s degree in Natural Resource Management – Wildlife/ Fisheries from UT Martin. She has grown up in the Scholastic Clay Target Program since she was 15, shooting on the well-known McKenzie Girl’s SCTP team. She is very familiar with the SPP Program and will work with participants across the state recruiting, assisting with hosted events, and promoting the program.

“I’m thrilled to be working for the foundation and introducing students to a sport I have been passionate about for many years,” commented Lane. “The shooting sports has opened many doors for me, and I want to pass that on to others.”

Executive Director Schuster recalls her youth, “I loved the outdoors as a child but didn’t have the chance to pursue hunting and/or shooting competitively. It just wasn’t an option back then. The outdoor opportunities available to young people today are exciting. It’s up to us to make sure these opportunities continue and are available to all of Tennessee’s young adults.”

For more information on the Tennessee Scholastic Pistol Program or how to get a team started, contact Lacey Lane at llane@twrf.net or 731-415-0641.

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