
Tag: youth shooting sports

Membership Renewals and Registration Reminders for New Competition Season

Greetings SCTP and SASP Coaches,

As a reminder, September 1st marks the beginning of a new season with the Scholastic Clay Target and Scholastic Action Shooting Programs. Membership renewals for coaches and athletes are required to retain member benefits including liability insurance, use of the SSSF SHOT system and eligibility to participate in all of the great SCTP and SASP events at the local, state, regional and national levels. In addition, membership is required to take full advantage of all of the SCTP/SASP deals and promotions and fundraisers as well as camp opportunities, scholarships and the All Scholastic Team.

NOTE: If starting a new team, the head coach and/or team administrator should initiate these steps. In most cases the head coach/team administrator will also coordinate registration for all members of their local team. New teams are encouraged to watch our video tutorial on how to register.

Requirements for team and volunteer registration are as follows:

  1. Login to the SHOT System to create your new team and register your first coach.
  2. Create (new teams) or update (returning teams) your information on the SHOT System. See video tutorial for more information.
  3. Additional coaches / volunteers must be added through an invitation process in the SHOT System. Please watch our video tutorial on how to add a new coach or volunteer to your team.
  4. Pay your $35 registration fee for each volunteer. Fees can be paid online through the SHOT system individually or in bulk.
  5. Ensure your background check is current (a new check is required every two years) by logging into the SHOT system to verify the last date approved.
  6. Take the Positive Coaching Alliance Double Goal Coaches Course if you have not done so previously. There is no cost for the course when using the SSSF-provided voucher code. Volunteers must take this course only one time.

Requirement for registration of all athletes are as follows:

  1. Complete and return a 2019/2020 athlete consent/waiver form for SCTP and/or SASP for each athlete. Head coaches must keep a copy of the signed form and return the original to the program office listed on the form.
  2. Complete and retain the 2019/2020 Sportsmanship Contract form for SCTP and/or SASP for each athlete.
  3. Complete and retain the 2019/2020 Medical Consent form for SCTP and/or SASP for each athlete.
  4. Update the athlete information pages in the SHOT system. Ensure all contact information is correct and update the School Class and Classification information for each athlete.
  5. Pay the $25 athlete registration fee for each athlete. Fees can be paid online through the SHOT system individually or in bulk.
  6. Join and/or renew memberships with the National Governing Bodies (NGB) for skeet (NSSA), sporting clays (NSCA) and / or trap (ATA). NGB membership is a requirement to participate in SCTP state, regional and national championship events. PLEASE join or renew through the SHOT system as a portion of the membership fees sold through the SHOT system are retained for the SCTP Scholarship Program.

Thank you for your participation in the SCTP and SASP! If you have any questions on the registration process please contact your state advisor, regional program representative or national program staff member.

Be safe, have fun and enjoy another great season!


Your Scholastic Action Shooting and Scholastic Clay Target Program Staff

Safety Officers Needed At SASP Nationals

The Scholastic Action Shooting Program (SASP) is experiencing record growth again this year at the 2018 National Championships with nearly 450 athletes and almost 1,000 total entries to date! With this growth, we require additional help to run a smooth and efficient match. If you will be at the Cardinal Shooting Center July 14-21, have a half day to help and want to earn chances at some great prizes including a minimum of 5 guns, shooting gear and accessories please read on!

We are looking for half day commitments at the action shooting range to serve the roles of Safety Officers (SO) and scorekeepers. For each half day worked you will be eligible for a random drawing for the great prizes outlined above. If you have never worked on an action shooting range before, please view our YouTube video outlining the safety rules, standardized range commands and responsibilities.

If you would like to help as a score keeper please watch our video on entering scores using Practiscore.

Additional training will be provided on-site for those new to action shooting. Volunteers must be at least 18 to work as safety officers.

Go to our Signup Genius link to view times and locations where help is currently needed. Additional information will be shared with those signing up.

Become a Sponsor in 2018!

To reach the nation’s largest audience of scholastic shooting sports teams, schools, coaches, and athletes, consider one of our many sponsorship opportunities! Advertising with us gets your brand in front of thousands of shooting sports and outdoor oriented families ready to buy! Packages and options include exposure in our Range Time e-newsletter, through social media, in event programs, through e-blasts and on the ground at our national championships, plus our annual e-magazine, Inside SSSF.

See all of our sponsorship options and download our 2018 Media Guides.

Over $400,000 to SCTP & SASP Teams Through Vision 20/20

The 2017 Vision 20/20 campaign is in the books and has raised the bar for Scholastic Clay Target Program (SCTP) and Scholastic Action Shooting Program (SASP) local team fundraising efforts. Participating teams raised a total of $134,706 from October through December for the 2017 campaign. Through these fundraising efforts, participating teams receive a total of $59,241 in cash grants from the Scholastic Shooting Sports Foundation and a MidwayUSA Foundation team endowment account benefit of $353,697! Total SCTP and SASP team benefit for the 2017 campaign is $412,938!

“Our teams worked hard and were creative on this campaign to generate donations and at the same time promote awareness about the positive benefits of youth shooting sports in their community,” said Ben Berka, President and Executive Director of the Scholastic Shooting Sports Foundation. “One team sent in $10,000 generated from a simple tip-jar at their host gun club! Another small-town team solicited only local businesses and received over $7,500 in donations with the average donation being $345! Others did email solicitation campaigns and social media efforts to reach team supporters near and far.”

Vision 20/20 provides local SCTP and SASP teams with a way to raise funds locally and provides cash needs for today through an SSSF cash grant in January 2018 and funding needs for perpetuity via donations to SCTP and SASP team endowment accounts at the MidwayUSA Foundation. For every ten dollars received by the team, the team receives a cash grant of $5 and up to $25 to their team endowment account through generous match funding.

The donations and matching funds from SSSF to MidwayUSA Foundation Team Endowment Accounts established to benefit SCTP and SASP member-teams are made possible, in part, by grants to the SSSF from the Tulsa Community Foundation Youth Shooting Fund established and funded by the generosity of Larry and Brenda Potterfield.

“The generous match funding and the perpetuity of an endowed account was a real driver for local team success in this campaign,” Berka said. “There are not very many community sports teams who can knock on a potential donor’s door and offer match funding for their donation AND guarantee that their donation will be used to support the team FOREVER via an endowed account. Our partnership with the MidwayUSA Foundation helps our SCTP and SASP teams do just that!”

The Team Endowment Program at the MidwayUSA Foundation gives a community the ability to financially support a competitive youth shooting sports program at the high school and college level. The team can then request a grant of up to 5% of their endowment account balance once each year, in either June or December, to pay for team expenses.  There are no fees associated with a MidwayUSA Foundation Team Endowment.

About Vision 20/20
The SSSF’s Vision 20/20 campaign is a multi-year fundraising effort started in 2016 with the goal to grow national youth participation in the Scholastic Clay Target Program and Scholastic Action Shooting Program to over 20,000 student athletes annually by the year 2020. In partnership with industry partners, civic organizations, member teams and donors the SSSF will provide the opportunity and funding for more students to join existing shooting teams and create new teams where none exist today. Please watch www.sssfonline.org/vision2020 for more information on the upcoming 2018 campaign.

2016-2017 SASP Virtual Match Results

Congratulations to the winning teams that participated in the Scholastic Action Shooting Program (SASP) 2016-2017 season virtual matches. The SASP Virtual Match series is a great way for your team to compete against other teams without having to travel. Matches are shot and recorded at your team’s home range and scores are submitted to the SASP National office where your team competes with others from around the country!

A total of $12,300.00 of team endowment funding has been deposited into the following teams MidwayUSA Foundation team endowment accounts.



























Scores were ranked using a “Louis Class” scoring system with an A class and a B class. All teams, regardless of match times had a chance to build their MidwayUSA Foundation team endowment accounts to support their teams well into the future.  More information on the 2017-2018 virtual match series will be coming soon. Contact SASP national director, Rick Leach for more information.

Support SSSF This Holiday Season!

Shop for everyone on your gift list this holiday at smile.amazon.com/ch/20-8484121 and support the Scholastic Clay Target Program and Scholastic Action Shooting Program!

When you checkout on Amazon through our special link, AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the price of eligible purchases to the  Scholastic Shooting Sports Foundation.

Shop online and support youth in the shooting sports! It’s THAT easy!


Vision 20/20 Campaign Runs Through December

In 2016 the Scholastic Shooting Sports Foundation launched a  campaign entitled, “VISION 20/20” with the goal to grow national participation in the Scholastic Clay Target Program (SCTP) and Scholastic Action Shooting Program (SASP) to over 20,000 student athletes annually by the year 2020. In partnership with industry partners, civic organizations, member teams and DONORS like you the SSSF will provide the opportunity and funding for more students to join existing shooting teams and create new teams where none exist today. By introducing more student athletes to the world of clay target and action shooting, we will also ensure the protection of the Second Amendment for generations to come!

Donors have the choice to support a local Scholastic Clay Target Program / Scholastic Action Shooting Program team and/or the national efforts of the Scholastic Shooting Sports Foundation to start SCTP and SASP teams where none exist today. For a limited time, donations to your favorite team will be matched 4:1 and donations to the SSSF’s national efforts will be matched 2:1! All donations are tax deductible.

Donations directed to teams support local SCTP and SASP teams in two ways:

  1. Cash grants provided by Scholastic Shooting Sports Foundation for the upcoming season.
  2. Growth of the team’s endowment account held at the MidwayUSA Foundation to support the team needs of the future, forever! Generous match funding is available to participating teams as well as a grand prize of $10,000 team endowment funds for the top fundraising team!

All SCTP and SASP teams are being invited to participate by engaging in team-centric fundraising activities in support of Vision 20/20.

Donations directed to the Scholastic Shooting Sports Foundation will be 100% dedicated to the SSSF’s operational endowment account to support the needs of the Foundation FOREVER! Generous match funding will be provided through the Vision 20/20 campaign to maximize all donations directed to the SSSF.

This years campaign runs through December 31, 2017 and donations can be made securely online or mailed to the Scholastic Shooting Sports Foundation headquarters using the provided form.

Match funding is made possible because of the generous donations from Larry and Brenda Potterfield.

For complete details on the campaign or to make a donation, please visit www.sssfonline.org/vision2020.

State Leaders Gather for 3rd Annual SSSF Advisor Academy

The Scholastic Shooting Sports Foundation (SSSF) hosted its third annual Advisor Academy September 23-24, 2017, in Milwaukee, WI.  Fifty-one key leaders from 19 states attended the two-day meeting focused on developing state and local level leadership, sharing best practices, and providing “grass roots” input to the Scholastic Clay Target Program (SCTP) and the Scholastic Action Shooting Program (SASP).

“It was inspiring to see how dedicated SSSF is to youth shooting and I’m proud to be involved in this year’s academy, said Steve McClure, Shooting Sports Coordinator with the Arizona Game and Fish Department. “I left with some great take aways about our SCTP program and look forward to what comes next.”

“State advisors are the key leaders with our volunteer coaches all across the country,” said Ben Berka, president and executive director of the SSSF.  “Advisor Academy is a perennial opportunity for our state and national leaders to gather in order to evaluate our progress and continue setting our course to put more youth into organized and safe shooting sports programs across the country.”

In addition to SSSF, SCTP and SASP national staff and state leaders, this year’s Advisor Academy featured guest presentations from Friends of the NRA, MidwayUSA Foundation, the National Rifle Association (NRA), Positive Coaching Alliance and Sportsman’s Insurance Agency during the general session.

Register Now for 2017 SASP Ohio Fall Regional Match

Join us for the 2017 SASP Ohio Regional match on Saturday and Sunday, October 28-29 at the Cardinal Shooting Center. The match will be held concurrently with the 2017 SCTP College Nationals.

Match Time: 9:00 AM Saturday and Sunday (Rain or Shine)

Location: Cardinal Shooting Center, 616 St. Rte. 61, Marengo, OH 43334 (419) 253-0800

General Information 
All teams must be currently registered with the Scholastic Action Shooting Program for the 2018 season which began September 1st. See complete details on how to register for the 2018 season.

Match Fee: $35

Times:  8:00 am check in begins
8:40 am shooters meeting, safety briefing
9:00 am match begins

9:00am and 1:00PM shooting times, awards to follow the competition.

MidwayUSA Foundation team endowment funds for winning squads

REGISTRATION:  Log into your team in SHOT system, select Competitions bottom left.  Click on the “Click to View Shoots” tab.  Then click on Regional Shoots tab.  Then select the shoot you want to participate to the right.  Then from there click on an open slot name your squad and enter the athletes. If athletes do not appear in the drop-down menu, check to be sure you have their SASP Classification entered in the team SHOT registration.  You may also pay online by clicking on the VOUCHER tab next to the Squad tab.

Athletes may register for both iron and optic rifles and Rimfire or Centerfire Pistol and 1911 as an additional pistol.

For additional information contact Rick Leach at rleach@sssfonline.com or 262-894-4284

Hosted by Ohio SASP

2017 SASP Northeast Fall Regional Match

Join us for the 2017 SASP Northeast Fall Regional match on Saturday, September 30, 2017 (rain or shine)!

Match Time: 9:00 AM

Location:  Camp William Hinds Boy Scout Camp, 146 Plains Rd, Raymond, ME 04071

General Information 
All teams must be currently registered with the Scholastic Action Shooting Program for the 2018 season which began September 1st. See complete details on our website on how to register for the 2018 season.

Match Fee: $25

Times:  8:00 am check in begins
8:30 am shooters meeting, safety briefing
9:00 am match begins

9:00am shooting times, awards to follow the competition.

MidwayUSA Foundation team endowment funds for winning squads

REGISTRATION:  Log into your team in SHOT system, select Competitions bottom left.  Click on the “Click to View Shoots” tab.  Then click on Regional Shoots tab.  Then select the shoot you want to participate to the right.  Then from there click on an open slot name your squad and enter the athletes. (If athletes do not appear in the drop-down menu, check to be sure you have their SASP Classification entered in the team SHOT registration.  You may also pay online by clicking on the VOUCHER tab next to the Squad tab.

Athletes may register for both iron and optic rifles and one pistol.

For additional information contact Rick Leach at rleach@sssfonline.com or 262-894-4284

pc: The Windham Eagle

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