
Tag: youth shooting team

Over $400,000 to SCTP & SASP Teams Through Vision 20/20

The 2017 Vision 20/20 campaign is in the books and has raised the bar for Scholastic Clay Target Program (SCTP) and Scholastic Action Shooting Program (SASP) local team fundraising efforts. Participating teams raised a total of $134,706 from October through December for the 2017 campaign. Through these fundraising efforts, participating teams receive a total of $59,241 in cash grants from the Scholastic Shooting Sports Foundation and a MidwayUSA Foundation team endowment account benefit of $353,697! Total SCTP and SASP team benefit for the 2017 campaign is $412,938!

“Our teams worked hard and were creative on this campaign to generate donations and at the same time promote awareness about the positive benefits of youth shooting sports in their community,” said Ben Berka, President and Executive Director of the Scholastic Shooting Sports Foundation. “One team sent in $10,000 generated from a simple tip-jar at their host gun club! Another small-town team solicited only local businesses and received over $7,500 in donations with the average donation being $345! Others did email solicitation campaigns and social media efforts to reach team supporters near and far.”

Vision 20/20 provides local SCTP and SASP teams with a way to raise funds locally and provides cash needs for today through an SSSF cash grant in January 2018 and funding needs for perpetuity via donations to SCTP and SASP team endowment accounts at the MidwayUSA Foundation. For every ten dollars received by the team, the team receives a cash grant of $5 and up to $25 to their team endowment account through generous match funding.

The donations and matching funds from SSSF to MidwayUSA Foundation Team Endowment Accounts established to benefit SCTP and SASP member-teams are made possible, in part, by grants to the SSSF from the Tulsa Community Foundation Youth Shooting Fund established and funded by the generosity of Larry and Brenda Potterfield.

“The generous match funding and the perpetuity of an endowed account was a real driver for local team success in this campaign,” Berka said. “There are not very many community sports teams who can knock on a potential donor’s door and offer match funding for their donation AND guarantee that their donation will be used to support the team FOREVER via an endowed account. Our partnership with the MidwayUSA Foundation helps our SCTP and SASP teams do just that!”

The Team Endowment Program at the MidwayUSA Foundation gives a community the ability to financially support a competitive youth shooting sports program at the high school and college level. The team can then request a grant of up to 5% of their endowment account balance once each year, in either June or December, to pay for team expenses.  There are no fees associated with a MidwayUSA Foundation Team Endowment.

About Vision 20/20
The SSSF’s Vision 20/20 campaign is a multi-year fundraising effort started in 2016 with the goal to grow national youth participation in the Scholastic Clay Target Program and Scholastic Action Shooting Program to over 20,000 student athletes annually by the year 2020. In partnership with industry partners, civic organizations, member teams and donors the SSSF will provide the opportunity and funding for more students to join existing shooting teams and create new teams where none exist today. Please watch www.sssfonline.org/vision2020 for more information on the upcoming 2018 campaign.

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