2019 SCTP & SASP National Championships

The 2019 Scholastic Clay Target Program (SCTP) and Scholastic Action Shooting Program (SASP) National Championships is scheduled for July 13-20th at the Cardinal Shooting Center in Marengo, OH. Last year’s event had nearly 300 teams and 3,000 athletes from 26 states! We hope you can join us for this season finale!
Scholastic Action Shooting Program (SASP) registration is currently open in the SHOT system for team coaches to register.
Scholastic Clay Target Program pre-registration began on May 15th with general registration through the SHOT system June 1st.
Sporting Clays Charity Fundraiser:
Friday/Saturday – July 19/20 Helps Support Kids & Clays and SCTP Scholarship Fund
Event is open to the public, youth and adult members and non-members
Cost is $80 for the 100 Target event!
Fund Raiser – Adult Party – Get Together!
Monday July 15th from 5pm – 10pm Food, Drink and Fun!! Raffles, Guns & Silent Auction!
Open to all adults and Industry sponsors!
SIDE GAMES, FUN & National Raffle! (Tickets Available at Registration Counter)
Make A Break Fun Shoot
Flurry Fun Shoot
National Raffle