SASP National Championship Expands To Twelve Shooting Bays

The Cardinal Shooting Center has promised that additional shooting bays will be constructed in time for our 2021 National Championship. We will be opening the additional 4 bays per time slot at 8:00AM Central on Friday, 6/4/2021. Registration will be closed until then to allow for the opening of the bays in the system.
As a reminder, all rifle events must be completed by noon on Friday, 7/16/2021, as rifle awards will be Friday evening.
We are anticipating another world record number of entries for Nationals and will need even more assistance to meet the need of Safety Officers and Scorekeepers. SASP Coaches, parents, and even athletes are eligible to volunteer. Safety Officers must be 18 years of age but Score Keepers may be younger and will be entering times into a tablet. For each half-day you volunteer, your name will be entered into a drawing for great prizes including guns!
If you are available to assist, please sign up using the link below, and please pass the word to help us make the 2021 National Championship a very smooth-running event!