
SASP to Offer Centerfire 1911 Division at Nationals

The SASP is pleased to announce it will be adding a centerfire 1911 division at Nationals.  Participants must first shoot either their regular rimfire or centerfire pistol division. So, in other words you may not only shoot 1911 and rifle.  Using the stock service pistol rules ensures the centerfire division remains a truly a level playing field. The SASP want to continue to be a sport where an athlete can purchase a stock firearm and compete on a level playing field without having to buy an expensive custom firearm.

Because it is an additional gun division and you still must shoot your current rimfire or centerfire division, shooting a centerfire 1911 will not force the athlete to move up to centerfire if he or she still wants to compete in the rimfire division.  This will give those athletes exploring the move up to the centerfire division a chance to try it without having to stay in centerfire if they do not feel comfortable there.

At Nationals, the 1911 division will have medals, trophies and Midway USA Foundation endowment funds just like the other divisions.

So, what are the rules?

  1. Must register and compete in rimfire or the centerfire division before you can compete in the 1911 division.
  2. Any centerfire caliber 1911/2011 .45 or smaller.  Minimum power factor of 125.
  3. A safe operational firearm, and all safeties must be operational.
  4. Firearm may not be compensated.
  5. Iron sights only, No Optics.
  6. Maximum 10 rounds in magazine as it is in our other divisions.

If this division is successful at Nationals, the SASP will discuss adding it to the program with state advisors and rules committee for future inclusion at state, regional and local matches once the National Championships has concluded.

Please reach out to Rick Leach, rleach@sssfonline.com, with questions.



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