SSSF Donates $45,100 to SPP Team Endowment Accounts at MidwayUSA Foundation
Last week, SSSF contributed $45,100 to the MidwayUSA Foundation on behalf of 23 Scholastic Pistol Program teams from 10 states.
The donation represented team endowment funds earned in the inaugural Florida Law Enforcement Explorer Shooting League match and the Washington State Scrimmage, both of which were held on November 15. In addition, 12 of the teams earned endowment money through their participation in the 2013-2014 SPP Virtual Match target season.
SSSF’s latest contribution to the MidwayUSA Foundation Team Endowment Program brings the total to $446,000 donated to date in 2014 on behalf of SPP teams. The program expects teams to earn another $6,000 before year’s end.
The purpose of the MidwayUSA Foundation endowment program is to provide sustained financial support for youth shooting teams. Teams with an endowment account are able to draw a grant each year to use for team expenses. SSSF regularly makes endowment funds available for SCTP and SPP events and contributes them to participating teams’ endowment accounts at the MidwayUSA Foundation. Since 2011, SSSF has donated funding to several hundred team endowment accounts across 48 states.