
Tag: endowments

SPP Teams: Earn Endowment Funds with Virtual E-Postal Matches

SPP teams, don’t forget about the opportunities to win a random-draw prize every month just for participating in the Virtual E-Postal Match Series!

Starting in April, SPP teams participating in the Virtual E-Postal Match Series will be part of a special monthly random draw prize of a $1,000 donation to a team’s MidwayUSA Foundation Endowment account. This special event will run from April – December 2015 and is open to any team or squad that participates in the Virtual E-Postal Match Series.

To be eligible, a team or squad must register three (3) scores — but remember, the more times you enter, the more chances you have to win!

In addition, we will be offering endowment donations as placement awards. This year we will be using a Lewis Class system during the Virtual Match Series. There will be two (2) Lewis classes, and endowment money will be given to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place in all divisions. In Class A, the donations will be 1st – $1,250, 2nd – 1,000 and 3rd – $750. In Class B, the donations will be 1st – $1,000, 2nd – $750, and 3rd – $500.

Virtual E-Postal Matches are a great way for teams to compete and earn endowment funds while saving the time and expense of traveling.

Don’t miss out on this additional way to come and play!

SSSF Donates $45,100 to SPP Team Endowment Accounts at MidwayUSA Foundation

Last week, SSSF contributed $45,100 to the MidwayUSA Foundation on behalf of 23 Scholastic Pistol Program teams from 10 states.

The donation represented team endowment funds earned in the inaugural Florida Law Enforcement Explorer Shooting League match and the Washington State Scrimmage, both of which were held on November 15. In addition, 12 of the teams earned endowment money through their participation in the 2013-2014 SPP Virtual Match target season.

SSSF’s latest contribution to the MidwayUSA Foundation Team Endowment Program brings the total to $446,000 donated to date in 2014 on behalf of SPP teams. The program expects teams to earn another $6,000 before year’s end.

The purpose of the MidwayUSA Foundation endowment program is to provide sustained financial support for youth shooting teams. Teams with an endowment account are able to draw a grant each year to use for team expenses. SSSF regularly makes endowment funds available for SCTP and SPP events and contributes them to participating teams’ endowment accounts at the MidwayUSA Foundation. Since 2011, SSSF has donated funding to several hundred team endowment accounts across 48 states.

Apply for MidwayUSA Foundation Grant by December 15

MidwayUSA Foundation logoIf your team has an endowment account with a balance of any amount with the MidwayUSA Foundation and you haven’t yet received a grant this year, you have until December 15 to apply for a grant for up to 5% of your account balance.

Grant funds can be used for team expenses such as ammunition, travel, uniforms, range fees, and more. The funds cannot be used for firearms purchases or political lobbying.

SSSF regularly makes endowment funds available for SCTP and SPP events and contributes them to participating teams’ endowment accounts at the MidwayUSA Foundation. Since 2011, SSSF has donated funding to several hundred team endowment accounts across 48 states. This year to date, we have already contributed over $1.5 million to MidwayUSA Foundation accounts.

The goal of the MidwayUSA Foundation is to provide permanent financial support for shooting programs. Grants are the vehicle that makes this goal possible.

Even if you have a small account balance earned at a shooting event or through your own deposits, you can draw a grant. If the funds are not needed, you can put it back into your team endowment account to have matching funds applied.

Teams may apply to receive up to 5% of their account balance once per calendar year. MidwayUSA Foundation accepts grant applications in June and December, and applications are reviewed and decided upon by its Board of Directors at January and July board meetings. If you did not apply for a grant in June, you are eligible to apply by December 15.

Learn more about applying for a MidwayUSA Foundation grant for your team.

SSSF Donates $44,000 to MidwayUSA Foundation Endowment Accounts for 14 SPP Teams

SSSF made contributions totaling $44,000 this week to the MidwayUSA Foundation, Inc. endowment accounts of 14 Scholastic Pistol Program (SPP) teams. The teams earned the endowment funds while competing in the Massachusetts State Match on September 13 and the Northeast Fall Regional Match on October 4.

The contributions for September and October bring SPP’s total donations to $407,150 to date in 2014. SPP expects to contribute at least $480,000 in total for 2014 through state, regional, and national championship events.

SSSF contributes the funds on behalf of the teams to the MidwayUSA Foundation Team Endowment Account Program, which was created to provide sustained financial support for youth shooting teams. SPP teams are awarded endowment funds through participation in sanctioned shoots. Teams with an endowment account can draw an annual grant to help offset team expenses, such as registration fees, equipment costs, and travel.

“The MidwayUSA Foundation Team Endowment Account Program has been a great asset in building youth shooting teams,” said Scott Moore, SPP Director. “This program also requires the athletes to work toward goals, which is part of the great character-building aspect of the Scholastic Pistol Program and Scholastic Shooting Sports Foundation.”

The teams whose endowment accounts received funds for September and October are:

Massachusetts State Match

United States Military Academy – Pistol ProgramNY
Venturing Crew 556NH
University of New Hampshire – Main CampusNH
Fin, Fur And Feather ClubMA
Holyoke Revolver Club Steel ShootersMA

Northeast Fall Regional Match

United States Military Academy – Pistol ProgramNY
Crew 70ME
Crew 357ME
Crew 51ME
University of VermontVT
University of New Hampshire – Main CampusNH
Crew 401ME
Crew 1675ME
Crew 556NH

SSSF’s Donation of Over $1 Million to MidwayUSA Foundation Benefits 182 SCTP, SPP Teams

Scholastic Shooting Sports Foundation made contributions of over $1 million this week to the MidwayUSA Foundation, Inc. accounts of 182 SCTP and SPP teams from 36 different states. The teams earned the endowment funds at recent national, regional, and state events.

This week’s total donation was $1,045,125. SCTP team accounts received $905,000 of that, which includes team earnings at the National Team Championships, regional events, and state shoots during the second and third quarters of 2014.

SPP teams received $133,100, which included earnings from its National Junior/Senior Championships and recent state matches.

“Through our broad membership base, we are fortunate to be able to support so many teams across the country,” commented Ben Berka, SSSF President and Executive Director. “These donations will help provide a perpetual funding source for local Scholastic Clay Target and Scholastic Pistol Programs. The funding we provide to team endowment accounts is another way for us to thank all of the teams, coaches, and athletes for their participation and excellent performance in SCTP and SPP events!”

In addition, $7,025 was donated via internally generated endowment money through SSSF and SCTP fundraisers. These funds will be matched by Larry and Brenda Potterfield of MidwayUSA. “By providing teams with fundraising tools at the local level, we are able to help contribute to team endowment accounts. At the same time, teams have the ability to raise operating money and awareness about their programs in the local community. The SSSF looks forward to providing more of these opportunities in the future to our SCTP and SPP member teams,” said Berka.

The donations bring SSSF’s contributions to $1,461,175 to date in 2014. SSSF expects its annual contributions to total more than $1.7 million by the end of 2014.

SCTP and SPP teams are awarded endowment funds through participation in sanctioned shoots. SSSF contributes the funding to the MidwayUSA Foundation Team Endowment Account Program on behalf of the teams. The purpose of the endowment program is to provide sustained financial support for youth shooting teams. Teams with an endowment account are able to draw a grant each year to use for team expenses.

SSSF Contributes to 21 Team Endowment Accounts For June SPP Events

SSSF made contributions this week to the MidwayUSA Foundation, Inc. endowment accounts of 21 Scholastic Pistol Program (SPP) teams. The teams earned the endowment funds while competing in the Indiana, Michigan, Iowa, and Wisconsin state matches in June.

The contributions for the month, totaling $43,800, bring SPP’s total contributions to $230,050 to date in 2014. SPP expects to contribute more than $250,000 additional through state, regional, and national championship events in the remainder of 2014.

SPP teams are awarded endowment funds through participation in sanctioned shoots. SSSF contributes the funding to the MidwayUSA Foundation Team Endowment Account Program on behalf of the teams. The purpose of the endowment program is to provide sustained financial support for youth shooting teams. Teams with an endowment account are able to draw a grant each year to use for team expenses.

The teams whose endowment accounts received funds for June are:

Indiana State Match

Blue Grass Sportsmen’s League Steel CatsKY$ 1,800.00
Smokin DragonsKY$ 2,200.00
Hoosier Daddy’sIN$ 3,000.00
Hamilton County Hot ShotsIN$ 1,000.00
Target BustersIN$ 1,800.00

Michigan State Match

WWCCA Straight ShootersMI$ 3,200.00
Union GroveWI$ 2,200.00
Michigan State UniversityMI$ 1,800.00

Iowa State Match

Ft. Madison Steel CrushersIA$ 1,400.00
Carroll HighIA$ 1,000.00
Glidden RalstonIA$ 1,000.00
Kuemper HighIA$ 1,000.00
SST of TraerIA$ 2,600.00
Two Rivers Jr. PistolIA$ 1,800.00
Central Iowa Scholastic ShootersIA$ 3,000.00

Wisconsin State Match

Ozaukee Scholastic Shooting SportsWI$ 2,400.00
WilmotWI$ 1,400.00
Southwest TechWI$ 2,600.00
BurlingtonWI$ 1,800.00
Ft. Madison Steel CrushersIA$ 1,000.00
Union GroveWI$ 2,000.00
Hartford Conservation/Gun Club Youth Trap/Pistol TeamWI$ 1,600.00
Lake Country Action ShootersWI$ 2,200.00

National Championships Registrations Blasting Through 2013 Numbers

$557,000 in Endowment Funds on the Line in Sparta

With more than two weeks to go in registration for the upcoming National Team Championships in Sparta, SCTP and SPP have already blasted through 2013’s record-setting participation numbers and are expecting even more registrations in the final weeks.

About 150 teams have signed up so far, accounting for almost 3000 total registrations. Increases are already seen in skeet, sporting clays, and pistol shooting. With participation in a state championship as one of the requirements for SCTP Nationals registration, and several state championships being held this week and next, a flurry of new registrations is expected in the coming two weeks.

SSSF will award up to $557,000 in endowment funds to competing teams at the National Team Championships, representing $450,000 to SCTP teams and $107,000 to SPP teams. In addition, SCTP has allocated another $156,000 for SCTP’s National Championships for international events July 25-29 in Colorado Springs, CO. Scholastic Shooting Sports Foundation will donate the endowment funds to team accounts at the MidwayUSA Foundation, Inc.

Coaches, athletes, and parents can learn more details about Nationals plans, including registration info, event schedules, FAQs, and more on our National Championships page.

Cody Roundup Offering Clay Target, Pistol Competition For SSSF Athletes

The city of Cody, Wyoming will welcome student athletes from SCTP and SPP next month for the Cody Roundup, a three-day regional competition for shooters in high school and college divisions.

The Cody Shooting Complex will host the competition on June 12-14, 2014.

This will be the 3rd annual Cody Roundup for SCTP. Shooters will compete in 100-target skeet, trap, and sporting clays main events, as well as a 5-stand side event.

High Overall (HOA) awards will be presented for teams and individuals. Endowments will be provided for new team, participation, HOA, and main event awards.

For SPP, this will be the inaugural regional shoot in Cody. Events will include centerfire and rimfire team matches, with trophies and endowments awarded. Demonstration shoots will also be offered for individuals who are not currently SPP athletes. Guns and ammunition will be available.

In addition to the shooting competitions, off-the-range activities have been arranged in the Cody area for participants’ enjoyment, including horseback riding, river rafting, a rodeo, and sightseeing. Learn more about available activities:

For more information about the Cody Roundup or to register, contact Bill Crago at 406-698-7777 or Tiger McNeil at 307-899-6124.

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