$40,000 of Team Endowment Funding Designated for SPP Virtual E-Postal Match Series
If your team participates in the SPP Virtual E-Postal Match Series, you now have opportunities to earn endowment funds for your team! The Scholastic Pistol Program has designated $40,000 of its 2015 endowment donations for the Virtual E-Postal Match Series participants.
The Virtual E-Postal Match Series is designed so teams can compete without having to travel to other ranges. Teams can shoot on their home ranges, then submit their scores to SPP for entry into the virtual match.
Beginning in April 2015, there will be a special monthly random draw with a prize of a $1,000 donation to a team’s MidwayUSA Foundation endowment account. This special event will run through December 2015 and is open to any team/squad that participates in the Virtual E-Postal Match Series in that month.
In addition, we will be offering endowment donations as placement awards. This year we will be using the Lewis Class system during the Virtual Match Series. There will be two (2) Lewis classes in each division, and endowment money will be given to first, second, and third places in each class. In Class A, the donations will be $1,250 for first, $1,000 for second, and $750 for third. In Class B, the donations for first through third will be $1,000, $750, and $500, respectively. To be eligible for Virtual E-Postal Match Series Championships, a team or squad must register at least six (6) squad scores during the season.
To compete in this series, the team/squad must shoot the entire course of fire and submit their scores for registration. Just like any live match, a team/squad must have four individuals competing. The current Virtual E-Postal Series season began September 1, 2014 and has been extended to run through December 15, 2015.
Eligibility for SPP Virtual E-Postal Match Series
Any team/squad that is fully registered in the Scholastic Pistol Program, which includes being registered in the SHOT system, is eligible and encouraged to compete in this series. Teams must also have an endowment account with the MidwayUSA Foundation. If you don’t have an endowment account, it’s easy to start an account here.
Submitting Scores
Score sheets can be downloaded from the website. Coaches must register each score by submitting a scanned copy of the completed SPP score sheets to tmowry@sssfonline.com. The cost of registration is $5 per squad (of four) per match score.
Notice: These updated rules for Virtual Matches supersede previous published editions.