SASP Virtual Series FAQ

Virtual Series Matches:
-Can be set up by coaches and open to invited teams or all teams
-Can be set for weekly, bi-weekly or monthly competitions.
-Can run up to 52 competitions in a series (if you run weekly events for the entire year)
-Uses team scoring where the top 4 athletes, regardless of classification, on your team are selected to be the team score. There are no set squads.
-When you enter your team into a league it will list all your registered athletes. You only enter scores for the athletes that shoot in a round/match. DO NOT ENTER 0.
-Each round’s/match’s top 4 athletes per team are combined for a cumulative team score at the end of the series.
-Scores you enter for each athlete are the stage scores (best 4 of 5 strings). This can be done on paper or using a tablet to record them and then entered in SHOT system (or SHOT).
-Scores are entered by the coach for everyone into the virtual scoring module in Shot. This must be done by the end of the grace period (date is listed in the match for each round/match).
-Shooting can be done on your home range or at another team’s range if they can host you for a little head-to-head action for the virtual.
-There is no fee for the virtual series matches. (If teams want to run virtual leagues of their own and do awards they can charge a fee outside of SHOT.
-The stages for the match are set by the match host. Those are the stages that must be shot.
-Disciplines to be shot will be based on the match host’s selection and listed in the match.
State and national championship virtual matches (if run):
-These matches will be run if in-person championships are not feasible due to restrictions in place because of the pandemic.
-Matches will be built in Shot by national staff and administered with the assistance of state advisers.
-Matches will be shot at your home range, or possibly at another team’s range if they can host a team, based on restrictions in place.
-This is a onetime match that will be shot over the course of a week or several weeks.
-Disciplines to be shot will be selected by the match director and provided to all teams.
-These matches will be done with traditional squadding (4 athletes in the same classification) as noted in the rulebook.
-State Matches Scores will be entered in tablets if possible and emailed to the state adviser. Paper scores can be sent if a team does not have scoring tablets.
-There will be instructions on how to set up the tablet with the PractiScore file if we do any of these matches.
Nationals virtual if held, scores will be submitted via PractiScore to back to SASP National staff. All four stages must be shot back to back just as they would be at the nationals match. They cannot be split up over multiple days.
We have created a video tutorial on how to get started in the Virtual Series within the SHOT system: